Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Something Mighty Fishy Occurred....

It all happened on a seemingly normal afternoon. I walked into the aquatic science room, eager as ever to see my beautiful fish baby. I pranced happily to his tank to feed him and play with him, but upon observing the surface of the water, I stopped dead in my tracks. Floating on the surface of the water were about 50 pellets of food (I feed him 4 a day), and let me tell ya: I did NOT put them there! My tank has a lid with a hatch that closes, so someone had to go out of there way to deliberately tamper with MY fish. My tank literally has my name on it, so I don't know what kind of whippersnapper thought it would be a good idea to try to involve me and Benson in such wacky and unnecessary shenanigans. I was mad-- REAL mad. My blood boiled and bubbled as I skimmed the pellets off of the surface of the water, muttering lots of words under my breath that are not appropriate for a school blog.

My fiery blood was bubbly, kind of like Benson's bubble nest.

The following day, I found that Benson's water was terribly cloudy, which struck me as odd since I had JUST CLEANED IT TWO FREAKING DAYS AGO! I instantly figured that it was a result of food pellets that had settled on the bottom of his tank and dissolved in the water. I was irritated that I had to clean up the mess made by some sicko, but at least I was able to restore my water to perfect quality: 0 ppm of ammonia and nitrate. Though I was upset that someone had messed with my tank, I was ultimately relieved and happy to see that Benson was unharmed.

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