Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Betta Fish Facts

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are characterized by their vibrant colors and beautiful fins. Since they are so aesthetically appealing, they are often placed in decorative vases and glasses for decoration. Though it's common knowledge that bettas are so gorgeous, many people are unaware of the fascinating truth behind them.

  1. Bettas have excellent memories. They are able to recognize changes in their environment, as well as familiar people and things. As a result, they can form a relationship with their primary caregiver.
  2. Bettas are capable of taking in oxygen from both the water and air. They can survive out of water for short periods of time and inhale oxygen from the air around them if needed.
  3. Betta fish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH range of 6.5-7.
  4. Though bettas can tolerate small spaces, it is better to give them more space (at least two gallons) since they are curious animals and can get bored easily.
  5. There are many different tail shapes for bettas, including veil-tail (the most common), crown tail, half-moon tail, and double tail.
  6. The preferred temperature for betta fish water ranges from about 76- 82 degrees Fahrenheit.
  7. The average life span for bettas is 2-3 years, though some have lived to be 4 or 5.
  8. Bettas are carnivores and eat dried bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, and pellets.
  9. Betta fish enjoy games such as chasing a finger or stick in the water and can be taught tricks such as jumping for food.
  10. Since bettas need to be mentally stimulated, it is good to switch out and rearrange the decorations in their tanks to keep things fresh and exciting. 

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