Monday, April 15, 2013

Round Robin Activity

The round robin activity we did in class helped me learn more about the importance of learning about freshwater ecosystems, the effects of living near aquatic ecosystems, and the properties of water.

In the first activity I participated in, we had to list reasons to study freshwater ecosystems. Brainstorming ideas was helpful because it encouraged me to get my mind in gear for the lessons on freshwater ecosystems that are to come. Some of the reasons we thought of were to understand the differences between saltwater and freshwater organisms, to learn more about the potential benefits of freshwater life to humans (such as using plants for medicine), and to become aware of the impact of human activity on freshwater ecosystems. In the following activity, we had to draw and label a wetland, which provided insight on what freshwater ecosystems are like.

In the next activity, we had to list the pros and cons of living near water. Some of the examples that we all came up with might pertain more to saltwater environments, but a lot of them apply to freshwater environments as well. For example, living next to a lake provides a nice view and offers recreational activities within walking distance, but other people going to the lake could lead to the invasion of property.

The final station we traveled to required us to list properties of water, along with their definitions. Some of the things we discussed were density, temperature, and pressure. Discussing the properties of water served as a helpful review on information we had all learned in previous science classes. 

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