Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Aquarium: Playing with Benson

After doing all of the research I conducted on bettas, I have been attempting to interact with Benson in order to confirm the information I found online, along with my own observations. One game I have been playing with him every day is the "chase Caitlin's finger and nip at it like a hunk of meat" game. The first time I began to trace my finger along the top of the water, Benson seemed a bit confused, but within seconds, he began chasing it. Though he does nip at it sometimes, it does not hurt at all; it actually kind of tickles. After the first time I played with him, he did his happy dance, swimming rapidly left to right and in circles enthusiastically. I have recorded some videos of the little dancer in action, but apparently my computer hates fish videos and wants to be difficult, so here's a blurry picture of Benson instead.

On 4/17, he was napping when I first approached him, but after I told him in a "baby voice" that I was there to see him, he woke up and started dancing and swimming about. This could have been a coincidence since I am not sure if bettas really have a sense of hearing, but it was cute nonetheless, and his activeness assures me that he is healthy and happy.

The quality of his water has dropped a bit. Nitrate levels rose to about 20 ppm, and ammonia levels rose to an estimated .13 ppm. This could be due in part to using a thermometer or other instrument that had been previously used in dirtier water, but the increased level of nitrate was pretty predictable. Though the water is not in perfect condition, it is not severe, and Benson still seems as lively as ever.

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